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Selected papers

  • VERDIELL-CUBEDO D, RUIZ-NAVARRO A, TORRALVA M, MORENO-VALCÁRCEL R, OLIVA-PATERNA FJ. 2014. Habitat use of an endangered cyprinodontid fish in a saline wetland of the Iberian Peninsula (SW Mediterranean Sea). Mediterranean Marine Science 15: 27-36.

  • GASCÓN S, LLOPART X, RUIZ-NAVARRO A, COMPTE J, VERDIELL-CUBEDO D, et al. 2013.  Aphanius iberus predation effects on aquatic community: diel changes and the role of vegetation. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 182: 75-87.

  • VERDIELL-CUBEDO D, OLIVA-PATERNA FJ, RUIZ-NAVARRO A & TORRALVA M. 2013. Assessing the nursery role for marine fish species in a hypersaline coastal lagoon (Mar Menor, Mediterranean Sea). Marine Biology Research 9: 739-748.

  • RUIZ-NAVARRO A, VERDIELL-CUBEDO D, TORRALVA M, OLIVA-PATERNA FJ. 2013. Removal control of the highly invasive fish Gambusia holbrooki and effects on its population biology: learning by doing. Wildlife Research 40:82-89.

  • VERDIELL-CUBEDO D, TORRALVA M, RUIZ-NAVARRO A & FJ OLIVA-PATERNA. 2013. Fish assemblages in different littoral habitat types of a hypersaline coastal lagoon (Mar Menor, Mediterranean Sea). Italian Journal of Zoology 80: 104-116.

  • RUIZ-NAVARRO A, VERDIELL-CUBEDO D, TORRALVA M, OLIVA-PATERNA FJ. 2013. Dilution stress facilitates colonisation of invasive mosquitofish in a saline Mediterranean stream: Population biology response. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23: 77-87.

  • FRANCO A, PÉREZ-RUZAFA A, DROUINEAU H, FRANZOI P, KOUTRAKIS ET, LEPAGE M, VERDIELL-CUBEDO D, et al. 2012. Assessment of fish assemblages in coastal lagoon habitats: effect of sampling method. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112: 115-125.

  • VERDIELL-CUBEDO D, TORRALVA M, ANDREU-SOLER A & FJ OLIVA-PATERNA. 2012. Effects of shoreline urban modification on habitat structure and fish community in littoral areas of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Mar Menor, Spain). Wetlands 32: 631-641.

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