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Main projects

  • INAPRO "Innovative model and demonstration based water management for
    resource efficiency in integrated multitrophic aquaculture and horticulture system". (2014-2017). Funded by the European Union.

  • LIFE12/ENV/ES/001140 "Segura Riverlink". (2013-2017). Funded by the European Union and the Water Management Agency of the Segura River Basin (CHS).

  • Effects of anthropogenic modification of hydrological regimes on native and exotic fish species in the Segura River basin. (2009-2013). Funded by the Regional Science and Technology Agency of Murcia (Fundación Séneca).

  • LIFE04 NAT/ES/000035 "Conservation of Aphanius iberus genetic stocks in Murcia". (2005-2008). Funded by the European Union and Autonomous Government of Murcia.

  • Faunal communities of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon: proposal of management and conservation measures. (2002-2004). Funded by the Autonomous Government of Murcia.

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